Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kidney Transplant News!

On Monday, September the 13, 2010, my family, family in Christ, friends, and I were witnesses of a great miracle from God: I received a new kidney in a double kidney/pancreas transplant. From the moment I received the kidney, it has been working wonderfuly! Although, the pancreas failed after a day, I know that everything that happens is under God's control and for our own good. Also, I am more than amazed by the love, encouragement, and support you've been showing me. Thank you, sooo much!
Now, a month has transpired and the kidney continues performing very well...for that, I am so grateful.
I have to admit that it has been rather difficult to catch up with my blog, due to the twice-a-week visits to Emory Hospital in Atlanta at early hours of the morning. However, now that they have been reduced to once by-weekly, it will give me the chance to catch up in several areas. I have even gotten the permission from the transplant surgeon to return to work on the 19th of this month. All I have to do is to be extremely careful in avoiding hand-shaking and hugs for now, since my inmune system has been greatly lowered with medications to avoid kidney rejection by my own antibodies. In spite of having to take these medications (which comprises of about 25pills a day), my inmune system will eventually be allowed to build up slightly.
I personally am grateful for everything is going on with me, and by that I mean that I feel much better, my quality of life has increased, and my diet is not as restrictive as it used to be. In addition to that, I might not have to ever deal with dialisis, as long as I take good care of myself.
One more thing: regarding the diabetes issue, there are great chances of having either a pancreas transplant, or a insulin-producing islets transplant as of next year. I cherish your prayers for this upcoming endeavor.
May God bless you exceedingly!
In Christ,